
The Best Wine Pairings for Thanksgiving Dinner

November 21, 2022

I’m hosting my first Thanksgiving this year – meaning, I will be doing the turkey roasting and wine pairing. Since this is my first year my parents aren’t hosting, I think it’s safe to say the torch is officially being passed. My boyfriend and I are very excited to host and open our home to our family! That said, if you’re hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, you might be wondering about the best wines to serve. Just in time for the holidays, consider this your guide to the best wine pairings for Thanksgiving dinner!

What to Consider When Choosing Wine Pairings for Thanksgiving Dinner

There are so many dishes and flavors involved in the annual Thanksgiving meal: savory, salty, sweet, sometimes spicy, hearty, etc. Is there one wine that is above the rest? How can you possibly choose the best wine(s) for such an important meal? Well, there are few things to consider when choosing wine pairings for thanksgiving dinner, including:

  • Budget
  • Number of guests to serve
  • Your wine palate and experience (and that of your guests)

Taking these factors into account, let’s talk about the best wine selections for your Thanksgiving meal!

The Best Wine Pairings for Thanksgiving Dinner

It can feel overwhelming trying to select the best wines to serve with Thanksgiving dinner. However, the good news is: it’s really not that complicated! Depending on your preferences and budget, you can find something that satisfies every palate. 


Bubbles, or sparkling wine, is safe to serve with almost anything. Since it’s celebratory, it can be a great way to kick off the evening, paired with h’orderves or appetizers. Or, you can choose to serve bubbles with dessert or as a nightcap. These are a few of my favorite sparkling wines to serve on Thanksgiving:

  • J Cuvee 20
  • Champagne Cattier Brut 
  • Domaine Carneros Brut


For the white wine lover, chardonnay is my top pick for Turkey day. Here’s why: chardonnay is  perfect for cutting through the rich and savory foods. You know, like turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and rolls? Here are my chardonnay selections to pair perfectly with Thanksgiving dinner:

Pinot Noir 

Is there a more iconic wine pairing for Thanksgiving dinner than Pinot Noir? Pinot Noir is an easy red to choose due to it’s bright, red fruits that complement traditional Thanksgiving foods so well. Plus, it’s easy drinking wine while you converse, play games, and lounge with the family. While I have many favorite Pinot Noirs, these are at the top of my list for Thanksgiving:

Also, check out these other Pinot Noir favorites!

If you know you’ll be serving a variety of wine palates this Thanksgiving, don’t be afraid to mix it up! Keep a bottle (or two) of each on hand. There really are no rules when it comes to wine pairings for Thanksgiving dinner. Or, if your heart (and taste buds) desire something different altogether, you can bring in completely different varietals. Now that I mentioned it, I think I may actually serve a cool climate Syrah and classic Merlot at my Thanksgiving table. Also, Grenache and Gamay (Beaujolais) pair beautifully with a turkey meal! 

Whatever you drink, enjoy!



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  • Steve Hoskie November 21, 2022 at 3:15 pm

    A definite must read just in time for the holidays! There’s some fabulous wines listed in there too!

  • Hello Fellow Wine Lover,

    What do you say, let’s make it official?!